Language Specification

Introduce Kestrel language terms, concepts, syntax, and basic semantics for writing individual hunting steps and composing large and reusable hunt flows.

Basic Terminology


A record, log, or observation yielded by a host or network monitoring system. Usually a record contains information of an activity that is worth recording. For example:

  • An ssh login attempt with root

  • A user login and logout

  • A process forking another process

  • A network connection initialized by a process

  • A process loading a dynamic loaded library

  • A process reading a sensitive file

Formally defined, a record is a piece of machine-generated data that is part of a telemetry of the monitored host or network. Different monitoring systems yield records in their own formats and define the scope of a record differently. A monitoring system may yield a record for each file a process loaded, while another monitoring system may yield a record with a two- or three-level process tree plus loaded binaries and dynamic libraries as additional file nodes in the tree.


An entity is a system or network object that can be identified by a monitor. Different monitors may have different capabilities identifying entities: an IDS can identify an IP or a host, while an EDR may identify a process or a file inside the host.

A record yielded by a monitor contains one or more entities visible to the monitor. For example:

  • A log of an ssh login attempt with root may contain three entities: the ssh process, the user root, and the incoming IP.

  • A web server, e.g., nginx, connection log entry may contain two entities: the incoming IP and the requested URL.

  • An EDR process tree record may contain several entities including the root process, its child processes, and maybe its grand child processes.

  • An IDS alert observation may contain two entities: the incoming IP and the target host.

Not only can a record contain multiple entities, but the same entity identified by the same monitor may appear in different records. Some monitors generate a universal identifier for an entity they track, i.e., UUID/GUID, but this does not always hold. In addition, the description of an entity in a record may be very incomplete due to the limited monitoring capability, data aggregation, or software bug.


A cyberthreat hunt is a procedure to find a set of entities in the monitored environment that associates with a cyberthreat.

A comprehensive hunt or threat discovery finds a set of entities with their relations, for example, control and data flows among them, as a graph that associates with a cyberthreat. The comprehensive hunting definition assumes fully connected telemetry data provided by monitoring systems and is discussed in the Theory Behind Kestrel.

Hunt Step

A step in a hunt usually performs one of the four atom hunting operations:

  1. Retrieval: getting a set of entities. The entities may be directly retrieved back from a monitor or a data lake with stored monitored data, or can be quickly picked up at any cache layer on the path from the user to a data source.

  2. Transformation: deriving different forms of entities. Within a basic entity type such as network-traffic, threat hunters can perform simple transformation such as sampling or aggregating them based on their attributes. The results are special network-traffic with aggregated fields.

  3. Enrichment: adding information to a set of entities. Computing attributes or labels for a set of entities and attach them to the entities. The attributes can be context such as domain name for an IP address. They can also be threat intelligence information or even detection labels from existing intrusion detection systems.

  4. Inspection: showing information about a set of entities. For example, listing all attributes an labels of a set of entities; showing values of specified attributes of a set of entities.

  5. Flow-control: merge or split hunt flows. For example, merge the results of two hunt flows to apply the same hunt steps afterwords, or to fork a hunt flow branch for developing a variant of the threat hypothesis.

Hunt Flow

The control flow of a hunt. A hunt flow comprises a series of hunt steps, computing multiple sets of entities, and deriving new sets of entities based on previous ones. Finally, a hunt flow reveals all sets of entities that are associated with a threat.

A hunt flow in Kestrel is a sequence of Kestrel commands. It can be stored in a plain text file with suffix .hf and executed by Kestrel command line, e.g., kestrel apt51.hf.

Hunt Book

A hunt flow combined with its execution results in a notebook format. Usually a saved Jupyter notebook of a Kestrel hunt is referred to as a hunt book, which contains the hunt flow in blocks and its execution results displayed in text, tables, graphs, and other multi-media forms.

Key Concepts

Kestrel brings two key concepts to cyberthreat hunting.

Entity-Based Reasoning

Humans understand threats and hunting upon entities, such as, malware, malicious process, and C&C host. As a language for threat hunters to express what to hunt, Kestrel helps hunters to organize their thoughts about threat hypotheses around entities. Kestrel runtime assembles entities with pieces of information in different records that describes different aspects of the entities. It also proactively asks data sources to get information about entities. With this design, threat hunters always have all of the information available about the entities they are focusing on, and can confidently create and revise threat hypotheses based on the entities and their connected entities. Meanwhile, threat hunters do not need to spend time stitching and correlating records since most of this tedious work on how to hunt is solved by Kestrel runtime.

Composable Hunt Flow

Simplicity is the design goal of Kestrel, yet Kestrel does not sacrifice the power of hunting. The secret sauce to achieve both is the idea of composability from functional programming.

To compose hunt flows freely, Kestrel defines a common data model around entities, that is, Kestrel variables, as the input and output of every hunt step. Every hunt step yields a Kestrel variable (or None), which can be the input of another hunt step. In addition to freely pipe hunt steps to compose hunt flows, Kestrel also enables hunt flows forking and merging:

  • To fork a hunt flow, just consume the same Kestrel variable by another hunt step.

  • To merge hunt flows, just do a hunt step that takes in multiple Kestrel variables.

Here’s an example of a composable Kestrel hunt flow:

An example of composable Kestrel hunt flow.

Kestrel Variable

A Kestrel variable is a list of homogeneous entities—all entities in a variable share the same type, for example, process, network-traffic, file. Each type of entities has its specialized attributes, for example, process has pid, network-traffic has dst_port, file has hashes.

When using the STIX-Shifter data source interface, Kestrel loads STIX Cyber Observable Objects (SCO) as basic telemetry data. The entity types and their attributes are defined in STIX specification. Note that STIX is open to both custom attributes and custom entity types, and the entity type and available attributes actually depends on the exact data source.

The naming rule of a Kestrel variable follows the variable naming rule in C language: a variable starts with an alphabet or underscore _, followed by any combination of alphabet, digit, and underscore. There is no length limit and a variable name is case sensitive.

Unlike immutable variables in pure functional programming languages, variables in Kestrel are mutable. They can be partially updated, e.g., new attributes added through an analytics, and they can be overwritten by a variable assignment to an existing variable.

Kestrel Command

A Kestrel command describes a hunt step. All Kestrel commands can be put in one of the four hunt step categories:

  1. Retrieval: GET, FIND, NEW.

  2. Transformation: SORT, GROUP.

  3. Enrichment: APPLY.

  4. Inspection: INFO, DISP.

  5. Flow-control: SAVE, LOAD, COPY, MERGE, JOIN.

To achieve composable hunt flow and allow threat hunters to compose hunt flow freely, the input and output of any Kestrel command are defined as follows:

Kestrel hunt step model.

A command takes in one or more variables and maybe some metadata, for example, the path of a data source, the attributes to display, or the arguments to analytics. In general, the command can either yield nothing, a variable, a display object, or both a variable and a display object.

  • As illustrated in the figure of composable hunt flow, Kestrel variables consumed and yielded by commands play the key role to connect different hunt steps (commands) into hunt flows.

  • A display object is something to be displayed by a Kestrel front end, for example, a Jupyter Notebook. It is not consumed by any of the following hunt steps. It only presents information from a hunt step to the user, such as a tabular display of entities in a variable, or an interactive visualization of entities.


Take Variable

Take Metadata

Yield Variable

Yield Display

















yes (multiple)


no (update)






































yes (two)





yes (two)





The command GET is a retrieval hunt step to match a STIX pattern against a pool of entities and return a list of homogeneous entities (a subset of entities in the pool satisfying the pattern).


returned_variable = GET returned_entity_type FROM entity_pool WHERE stix_pattern
  • The returned entity type is specified right after the keyword GET.

  • The pool of entities should be specified in the FROM clause of GET.

    • The pool can be a data source, for example, a data lake where monitored logs are stored, an EDR, a firewall, an IDS, a proxy server, or a SIEM system. In this case, the user needs to know the identifier of the data source (more in section Data And Analytics Interfaces). For example:

      • stixshifter://server101: EDR on server 101 accessible via STIX-Shifter.

      • sealed telemetry data in a STIX bundle.

    • The pool can also be an existing Kestrel variable. In this case, just use the variable name.

  • The STIX pattern (what is interesting) should be specified in the WHERE clause of GET. The STIX pattern should be described around the returned entity—all comparison expressions in the STIX pattern should start with the entity type as same as the returned entity type of the GET.

    For example, when getting back processes newvar = GET process ..., all comparison expressions in the STIX pattern in the WHERE cause should start with process:, e.g., process:attributeA = 'xxx', process:attributeB = 'yyy'.

    The STIX pattern in Kestrel goes beyond standard STIX to allow variable reference in the pattern, e.g., [process:pid = AND process:name =]. Kestrel runtime compiles this parameterized STIX pattern into standard STIX before querying the entity pool.

    It is strongly encouraged to add time range qualifiers START t'timestamp' STOP t'timestamp' at the end of the STIX pattern when the entity pool is a data source and there is no referred Kestrel variable in the STIX pattern.

    • timestamp here should be in ISO timestamp format defined in STIX timestamp.

    • Press tab to auto-complete a half-way input timestamp to the closet next timetamp, e.g., 2021-05 to 2021-05-01T00:00:00Z

    • The time range, when used, should always have both START and STOP.

    • Time range inference: If one or more Kestrel variables are referred in the STIX pattern, Kestrel runtime infers the time range from all entities in the referred variables.

    • Time range override: If a user provides time range at the same time, it overrides the inferred time range if any.

    • Missing time range: If no time range provided or inferred in a GET command, it depends on the data source interface to decide how to handle it. For example, the STIX-Shifter interface will use last five minutes as the time range if not specified.

  • Syntax sugar: If the entity pool in GET is a data source and it is the same as the data source used in a previous GET command, the FROM clause can be omitted. Kestrel runtime completes the FROM clause for a GET command (if it is omitted) using the last data source in the execution. The variable entity pool is not used. See an example (the last one) below.


# get processes from server101 which has a parent process with name 'abc.exe'
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://server101 WHERE [ = 'abc.exe']
        START t'2021-05-06T00:00:00Z' STOP t'2021-05-07T00:00:00Z'

# get files from a sealed STIX bundle with hash 'dbfcdd3a1ef5186a3e098332b499070a'
# Kestrel allows to write a command in multiple lines
binx = GET file
       WHERE [file:hashes.'MD5'= 'dbfcdd3a1ef5186a3e098332b499070a']
       START t'2021-05-06T00:00:00Z' STOP t'2021-05-07T00:00:00Z'

# get processes from the above procs variable with pid 10578 and name 'xyz'
# no time range needed since the entity pool is a varible
procs2 = GET process FROM procs WHERE [process:pid = 10578 AND process:name = 'xyz']

# refer to another Kestrel variable in the STIX pattern (not standard STIX)
# note that the attribute of a variable should be var.attribute, not var:attribute
# no time range needed: (1) the entity pool is a varible (2) there is a referred variable
procs3 = GET process FROM procs WHERE [process:pid =]

# omitting the FROM clause, which will be desugarred as 'FROM'
procs4 = GET process WHERE [process:pid = 1234]
         START t'2021-05-06T00:00:00Z' STOP t'2021-05-07T00:00:00Z'


The command FIND is a retrieval hunt step to return entities connected to a given list of entities.


returned_variable = FIND returned_entity_type RELATIONFROM input_variable [START t'timestamp' STOP t'timestamp']

Kestrel defines the relation abstraction between entities as shown in the entity-relation chart:

Entity relationship.

To find child processes of processes in a variable varA, you can look up the entity-relation chart and get relation CREATED BY, then write the command varB = FIND process CREATED BY varA.

The optional time range works similar to that in the STIX pattern of GET. However, it is not often used in FIND since FIND always has an input variable to infer time range. If you want Kestrel to search for a specific time range instead of the inferred range, use START/STOP.


# find parent processes of processes in procs
parent_procs = FIND process CREATED procs

# find child processes of processes in procs
parent_procs = FIND process CREATED BY procs

# find network-traffic associated with processes in procs
nt = FIND network-traffic CREATED BY procs

# find processes associated with network-traffic in nt
ntprocs = FIND process CREATED network-traffic

# find source IP addresses in nt
src_ip = FIND ipv4-addr CREATED nt

# find destination IP addresses in nt
src_ip = FIND ipv4-addr ACCEPTED nt

# find both source and destination IP addresses in nt
src_ip = FIND ipv4-addr LINKED nt

# find network-traffic which have source IP src_ip
ntspecial = FIND network-traffic CREATED BY src_ip

Relation With GET

Both FIND and GET are retrieval hunt steps. GET is the most fundamental retrieval hunt step. And FIND provides a layer of abstraction to retrieve connected entities more easily than using the raw GET for this, that is, FIND can be replaced by GET in theory with some knowledge of how to hunt. Kestrel tries to focus threat hunters on what to hunt and automate the generation of how to hunt (see What is Kestrel?). Finding connected entities requires knowledge on how the underlying records are connected, and Kestrel resolves the how for users with the command FIND.

In theory, you can replace FIND with GET and a parameterized STIX pattern when knowing how the underlying records are connected. In reality, this is not possible with STIX pattern in GET.

  • The dereference of connection varies from one data source to another. The connection may be recorded as a reference attribute in a record like the *_ref attributes in STIX 2.0. It can also be recorded via a hidden object like the SRO object in STIX 2.1.

  • STIX pattern does not allow reference to an object directly, for example, [process:parent_ref = xxx] is not a valid STIX pattern. Also one cannot use [ =] since the id of entities are not persistent across different records/observations.

  • STIX pattern does not support expressing one-to-many mapping, for example, there is a reference opened_connection_refs in a process record, but there is no way to express all network-traffic entities referred in that list.


The command NEW is a special retrieval hunt step to create entities directly from given data.


returned_variable = NEW [returned_entity_type] data

The given data can either be:

  • A list of string [str]. If this is used, returned_entity_type is required. Kestrel runtime creates the list of entities based on the return type. Each entity will have one initial attribute.

    • The name of the attribute is decided by the returned type.

      Return Entity Type

      Initial Attribute



















    • The number of entities is the length of the given list of string.

    • The value of the initial attribute of each entity is the string in the given data.

  • A list of dictionaries [{str: str}]. All dictionaries should share the same set of keys, which are attributes of the entities. If type is not provided as a key, returned_entity_type is required.

The given data should follow JSON format, for example, using double quotes around a string. This is different from a string in STIX pattern, which is surrounded by single quotes.


# create a list of processes with their names
newprocs = NEW process ["cmd.exe", "explorer.exe", "google-chrome.exe"]

# create a list of processes with a list of dictionaries
newvar = NEW [ {"type": "process", "name": "cmd.exe", "pid": "123"}
             , {"type": "process", "name": "explorer.exe", "pid": "99"}

# return entity type is required if not a key in the data
newvar2 = NEW process [ {"name": "abc.exe", "pid": "1234"}
                      , {"name": "ie.exe", "pid": "10"}


The command APPLY is an enrichment hunt step to compute and add attributes to Kestrel variables. Enrichment, in this context, includes the computation of enriched data, such as malware detection analytics, and associating the data to the entities, such as adding the detection labels to the entities.


APPLY analytics_identifier ON var1, var2, ... WITH x=1, y=abc
  • Input: The command takes in one or multiple variables.

  • Execution: The command executes the analytics specified by analytics_identifier like docker://ip_domain_enrichment or docker://pin_ip_on_map.

    There is no limitation for what an analytics could do besides the input and output specified by its corresponding Kestrel analytics interface (see Data And Analytics Interfaces).

    An analytics could run entirely locally and then just do a table lookup. It could reach out to the internet like the VirusTotal servers. It could perform real-time behavior analysis of binary samples. Based on specific analytics interfaces, some analytics can run entirely in the cloud, and the interface harvests the results to local Kestrel runtime.

    Threat hunters can quickly wrap an existing security program/module into a Kestrel analytics. For example, creating a Kestrel analytics as a docker container and utilizing the existing Kestrel Docker Analytics Interface (check Docker Analytics Interface). You can also easily develop new analytics interfaces to provide special running environments (check Kestrel Analytics Interface).

  • Output: The executed analytics could yield either (a) data for variable updates, or (b) a display object, or both. The APPLY command passes the impacts to the Kestrel session:

    • Updated variable(s): The most common enrichment is adding/updating attributes to input variables (existing entities). The attributes can be, yet not limited to:

      • Detection results: The analytics performs threat detection on the given entities. The results can be any scalar values such as strings, integers, or floats. For example, malware labels and their families could be strings, suspicious scores could be integers, and likelihood could be floats. Numerical data can be used by later Kestrel commands such as SORT. Any new attributes can be used in the WHERE clause of the following GET commands to pick a subset of entities.

      • Threat Intelligence (TI) information: Commonly known as TI enrichment, for example, Indicator of Comprise (IoC) tags.

      • Generic information: The analytics can add generic information that is not TI-specific, such as adding software description as new attributes to software entities based on their name attributes.

    • Kestrel display object: An analytics can also yield a display object for the front end to show. Visualization analytics yield such data such as our docker://pin_ip analytics that looks up the geolocation of IP addresses in network-traffic or ipv4-addr entities and pin them on a map, which can be shown in Jupyter Notebooks.

  • There is no new return variable from the command.


# A visualization analytics:
# Finding the geolocation of IPs in network traffic and pin them on a map
nt = GET network-traffic FROM stixshifter://idsX WHERE [network-traffic:dst_port = 80]
APPLY docker://pin_ip ON nt

# A beaconing detection analytics:
# a new attribute "x_beaconing_flag" is added to the input variable
APPLY docker://beaconing_detection ON nt

# A suspicious process scoring analytics:
# a new attribute "x_suspiciousness" is added to the input variable
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://server101 WHERE [ = 'bash']
APPLY docker://susp_proc_scoring on procs
# sort the processes
procs_desc = SORT procs BY x_suspiciousness DESC
# get the most suspicous ones
procs_sus = GET process FROM procs WHERE [process:x_suspiciousness > 0.9]

# A domain name lookup analytics:
# a new attribute "x_domain_name" is added to the input variable for its dest IPs
APPLY docker://domain_name_enrichment ON nt


The command INFO is an inspection hunt step to show details of a Kestrel variable.


INFO varx

The command shows the following information of a variable:

  • Entity type

  • Number of entities

  • Number of records

  • Entity attributes

  • Indirect attributes

  • Customized attributes

  • Birth command

  • Associated datasource

  • Dependent variables

The attribute names are especially useful for users to construct DISP command with ATTR clause.


# showing information like attributes and how many entities in a variable
nt = GET network-traffic FROM stixshifter://idsX WHERE [network-traffic:dst_port = 80]


The command DISP is an inspection hunt step to print attribute values of entities in a Kestrel variable. The command returns a tabular display object to a front end, for example, Jupyter Notebook.


DISP varx [ATTR attribute1, attribute2, ...]
  • The optional clause ATTR specifies which list of attributes you would like to print. If omitted, Kestrel will output all attributes.

  • The command deduplicates rows. All rows in the display object are distinct.

  • The command goes through all records/logs in the local storage about entities in the variable. Some records may miss attributes that other records have, and it is common to see empty fields in the table printed.

  • If you are not familiar with the data, you can use INFO to list all attributes and pick up some attributes to write the DISP command and ATTR clause.


# display <source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port>
nt = GET network-traffic FROM stixshifter://idsX WHERE [network-traffic:dst_port = 80]
DISP nt ATTR src_ref.value, src_port, dst_ref.value, dst_port

# display process pid, name, and command line
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'bash']
DISP procs ATTR pid, name, command_line


The command SORT is a transformation hunt step to reorder entities in a Kestrel variable and output the same set of entities with the new order to a new variable.


newvar = SORT varx BY stixpath [ASC|DESC]
  • The stixpath can be a full STIX path like process:attribute or just an attribute name like pid if varx is process.

  • By default, data will be sorted by descending order. The user can specify the direction explicitly such as ASC: ascending order.


# get network traffic and sort them by their destination port
nt = GET network-traffic FROM stixshifter://idsX WHERE [network-traffic:dst_ref_value = '']
ntx = SORT nt BY dst_port ASC

# display all destination port and now it is easy to check important ports
DISP ntx ATTR dst_port


The command GROUP is a transformation hunt step to group entities based on one or more attributes as well as computing aggregated attributes for the aggregated entities.


aggr_var = GROUP varx BY attr1, attr2... [WITH aggr_fun(attr3) [AS alias], ...]
  • If no aggregation functions are specified, they will be chosen automatically. In that case, attributes of the returned entities are decorated with a prefix unique_ such as unique_pid instead of pid.

  • When aggregations are specified without alias, aggregated attributes will be prefixed with the aggregation function such as min_first_observed.

  • Support aggregation functions:

    • MIN: minimum value

    • MAX: maximum value

    • AVG: average value

    • SUM: sum of values

    • COUNT: count of non-null values

    • NUNIQUE: count of unique values


# group processes by their name and display
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'bash']
aggr = GROUP procs BY name
DISP aggr ATTR unique_name, unique_pid, unique_command_line


The command SAVE is a flow-control hunt step to dump a Kestrel variable to a local file.


SAVE varx TO file_path
  • All records of the entities in the input variable will be packaged in the output file.

  • The suffix of the file path decides the format of the file. Current supported formats:

    • .csv: CSV file.

    • .parquet: parquet file.

    • .parquet.gz: gzipped parquet file.

  • It is useful to save a Kestrel variable into a file for analytics development. The docker analytics interface actually does the same to prepare the input for a docker container.


# save all process records into /tmp/kestrel_procs.parquet.gz
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'bash']
SAVE procs TO /tmp/kestrel_procs.parquet.gz


The command LOAD is a flow-control hunt step to load data from disk into a Kestrel variable.


newvar = LOAD file_path [AS entity_type]
  • The suffix of the file path decides the format of the file. Current supported formats:

    • .csv: CSV file.

    • .parquet: parquet file.

    • .parquet.gz: gzipped parquet file.

  • The command loads records for the same type of entities. If there is no type column in the data, the returned entity type should be specified in the AS clause.

  • Using SAVE and LOAD, you can transfer data between hunts.

  • A user can LOAD external Threat Intelligence (TI) records into a Kestrel variable.


# save all process records into /tmp/kestrel_procs.parquet.gz
procs = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'bash']
SAVE procs TO /tmp/kestrel_procs.parquet.gz

# in another hunt, load the processes
pload = LOAD /tmp/kestrel_procs.parquet.gz

# load suspicious IPs from a threat intelligence source
# the file /tmp/suspicious_ips.csv only has one column `value`, which is the IP
susp_ips = LOAD /tmp/suspicious_ips.csv AS ipv4-addr

# check whether there is any network-traffic goes to susp_ips
nt = GET network-traffic
     FROM stixshifter://idsX
     WHERE [network-traffic:dst_ref.value = susp_ips.value]


The command COPY is an flow-control hunt step to copy a variable to another.


newvar = oldvar


The command MERGE is a flow-control hunt step to union entities in multiple variables.


merged_var = var1 + var2 + var3 + ...
  • The command provides a way to merge hunt flows.

  • All input variables to the command should share the same entity type.


# one TTP matching
procsA = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'bash']

# another TTP matching
procsB = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [ = 'sudo']

# merge results of both
procs = procsA + procsB

# further hunt flow
APPLY docker://susp_proc_scoring ON procs


The command JOIN is an advanced flow-control hunt step that works on entity records directly for comprehensive entity connection discovery.


newvar = JOIN varA, varB BY attribute1, attribute2
  • The command takes in two Kestrel variables and one attribute from each variable. It performs an inner join on all records of the two variables regarding their joining attributes.

  • The command returns entities from varA that share the attributes with varB.

  • The command keeps all attributes in varA and add attributes from varB if not exists in varA.


procsA = GET process FROM stixshifter://edrA WHERE [process:name = 'bash']
procsB = GET process WHERE [ = 'sudo']

# get only processes from procsA that have a child process in procsB
procsC = JOIN procsA, procsB BY pid,

# an alternative way of doing it without knowing the reference attribute
procsD = FIND process CREATED procsB
procsE = GET process FROM procsD WHERE [process:pid =]


Comment strings in Kestrel start with # to the end of the line.

Data And Analytics Interfaces

Kestrel aims to keep it open and easy to add data source and analytics—not only adding data source through the STIX-Shifter interface and adding analytics through the docker interface, but even keeping the interfaces open and extensible. You might start with a STIX-Shifter data source, and then want to add another data source which already splits STIX observations—no STIX-Shifter is needed. You can generate this capability to develop a data source interface in parallel to STIX-Shifter and handle data from multiple EDRs and SIEMs in your environment. Similar concepts apply to analytics. You might start with writing Kestrel analytics in docker containers, but then need to develop analytics around code that is executing in the cloud. What is needed is the power to quickly add analytics interfaces besides the docker one that is shipped with Kestrel.

To quickly develop new interfaces for data sources and analytics, Kestrel abstracts the connection to data source and analytics with two layers: Kestrel runtime communicates with interfaces and the interfaces communicate with the data sources or analytics. Both data source and analytics interfaces can be quickly developed by creating a new Python package following the rules in Kestrel Data Source Interface and Kestrel Analytics Interface.

Interface Illustration.

Each interface has one or multiple schema strings, for example, stixshifter:// for the STIX-Shifter interface and docker:// for the docker analytics interface. To use a specific data source or analytics, a user specifies an identifier of the data source or analytics as schema://name where name is the data source name or analytics name.