Source code for kestrel_datasource_stixshifter.interface

"""The STIX shifter data source package provides access to data sources via

The STIX Shifter interface can reach multiple data sources. The user needs to
provide one *profile* per data source. The profile name (case insensitive) will
be used in the ``FROM`` clause of the Kestrel ``GET`` command, e.g., ``newvar =
GET entity-type FROM stixshifter://profilename WHERE ...``. Kestrel runtime
will load profiles from 3 places (the later will override the former):

#. stix-shifter interface config file (only when a Kestrel session starts):

    Put your profiles in the stix-shifter interface config file (YAML):

    - Default path: ``~/.config/kestrel/stixshifter.yaml``.
    - A customized path specified in the environment variable ``KESTREL_STIXSHIFTER_CONFIG``.

    Example of stix-shifter interface config file containing profiles:

    .. code-block:: yaml

                connector: elastic_ecs
                    port: 9200
                    selfSignedCert: false # this means do NOT check cert
                    indices: host101
                        id: VuaCfGcBCdbkQm-e5aOx
                        api_key: ui2lp2axTNmsyakw9tvNnw
                connector: qradar
                    port: 443
                        SEC: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
                connector: cbcloud
                    port: 443
                        org-key: D5DQRHQP
                        token: HT8EMI32DSIMAQ7DJM

#. environment variables (only when a Kestrel session starts):

    Three environment variables are required for each profile:

    - ``STIXSHIFTER_PROFILENAME_CONNECTOR``: the STIX Shifter connector name,
      e.g., ``elastic_ecs``.
    - ``STIXSHIFTER_PROFILENAME_CONNECTION``: the STIX Shifter `connection
      object in JSON string.
    - ``STIXSHIFTER_PROFILENAME_CONFIG``: the STIX Shifter `configuration
      object in JSON string.

    Example of environment variables for a profile:

    .. code-block:: console

        $ export STIXSHIFTER_HOST101_CONNECTOR=elastic_ecs
        $ export STIXSHIFTER_HOST101_CONNECTION='{"host":"", "port":9200, "indices":"host101"}'
        $ export STIXSHIFTER_HOST101_CONFIG='{"auth":{"id":"VuaCfGcBCdbkQm-e5aOx", "api_key":"ui2lp2axTNmsyakw9tvNnw"}}'

#. any in-session edit through the ``CONFIG`` command.

If you launch Kestrel in debug mode, stix-shifter debug mode is still not
enabled by default. To record debug level logs of stix-shifter, create
environment variable ``KESTREL_STIXSHIFTER_DEBUG`` with any value.

.. _stix-shifter:


import sys
import json
import time
import copy
import logging
import importlib
import subprocess
import requests
from lxml import html

from stix_shifter.stix_translation import stix_translation
from stix_shifter.stix_transmission import stix_transmission

from kestrel.utils import mkdtemp
from kestrel.datasource import AbstractDataSourceInterface
from kestrel.datasource import ReturnFromFile
from kestrel.exceptions import DataSourceError, DataSourceManagerInternalError
from kestrel_datasource_stixshifter.config import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

XPATH_PYPI_PKG_HOME = "/html/body/main/div[4]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li[1]/a/@href"
XPATH_PYPI_PKG_SOURCE = "/html/body/main/div[4]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li[2]/a/@href"

def check_module_availability(connector_name):
            "stix_shifter_modules." + connector_name + ".entry_point"
    except:'miss stix-shifter connector "{connector_name}"')

        package_name = "stix-shifter-modules-" + connector_name.replace("_", "-")
        _logger.debug(f"guess the connector package name: {package_name}")

            "go to PyPI to verify whether the package is genuine from stix-shifter project"
            pypi_response = requests.get(f"{package_name}")
            pypi_etree = html.fromstring(pypi_response.content)
            raise DataSourceError(
                f'STIX shifter connector for "{connector_name}" is not installed '
                f'and Kestrel guessed Python package name "{package_name}" but could not connect to PyPI to verify its genuineness',
                "please manually install the correct stix-shifter connector Python package.",

            p_homepage = pypi_etree.xpath(XPATH_PYPI_PKG_HOME)[0]
            p_source = pypi_etree.xpath(XPATH_PYPI_PKG_SOURCE)[0]
            raise DataSourceError(
                f'STIX shifter connector for "{connector_name}" is not installed '
                f'and Kestrel guessed Python package name "{package_name}" but could not verify its genuineness due to PyPI design change',
                "please find the correct stix-shifter connector Python package to install. "
                "And report to Kestrel developers about this package verification failure",

        if p_homepage != STIX_SHIFTER_HOMEPAGE or p_source != STIX_SHIFTER_HOMEPAGE:
            raise DataSourceError(
                f'STIX shifter connector for "{connector_name}" is not installed '
                f'and Kestrel found Python package "{package_name}" is not a genuine stix-shifter package',
                "please find the correct stix-shifter connector Python package to install. "
                f"And report to Kestrel developers about this malicious package",
            f'find Python package "{package_name}" for the missing stix-shifter connector "{connector_name}".'
        )'install Python package "{package_name}".')

                [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package_name]
  "package installation with 'pip' failed.")

                "stix_shifter_modules." + connector_name + ".entry_point"
            raise DataSourceError(
                f'STIX shifter connector for "{connector_name}" is not installed '
                f'and Kestrel failed to install the possible Python package "{package_name}"',
                "please manually install the corresponding STIX shifter connector Python package.",

[docs]class StixShifterInterface(AbstractDataSourceInterface):
[docs] @staticmethod def schemes(): """STIX Shifter data source interface only supports ``stixshifter://`` scheme.""" return ["stixshifter"]
[docs] @staticmethod def list_data_sources(config): """Get configured data sources from environment variable profiles.""" if not config: config["profiles"] = load_profiles() data_sources = list(config["profiles"].keys()) data_sources.sort() return data_sources
[docs] @staticmethod def query(uri, pattern, session_id, config): """Query a stixshifter data source.""" scheme, _, profile = uri.rpartition("://") profiles = profile.split(",") if not config: config["profiles"] = load_profiles() if scheme != "stixshifter": raise DataSourceManagerInternalError( f"interface {__package__} should not process scheme {scheme}" ) set_stixshifter_logging_level() ingestdir = mkdtemp() query_id = bundles = [] _logger.debug(f"prepare query with ID: {query_id}") for i, profile in enumerate(profiles): # STIX-shifter will alter the config objects, thus making them not reusable. # So only give stix-shifter a copy of the configs. # Check `modernize` functions in the `stix_shifter_utils` for details. (connector_name, connection_dict, configuration_dict,) = map( copy.deepcopy, get_datasource_from_profiles(profile, config["profiles"]) ) check_module_availability(connector_name) data_path_striped = "".join(filter(str.isalnum, profile)) ingestfile = ingestdir / f"{i}_{data_path_striped}.json" query_metadata = json.dumps( {"id": "identity--" + query_id, "name": connector_name} ) translation = stix_translation.StixTranslation() transmission = stix_transmission.StixTransmission( connector_name, connection_dict, configuration_dict ) dsl = translation.translate( connector_name, "query", query_metadata, pattern, {} ) if "error" in dsl: raise DataSourceError( f"STIX-shifter translation failed with message: {dsl['error']}" ) _logger.debug(f"STIX pattern to query: {pattern}") _logger.debug(f"translate results: {dsl}") # query results should be put together; when translated to STIX, the relation between them will remain connector_results = [] for query in dsl["queries"]: search_meta_result = transmission.query(query) if search_meta_result["success"]: search_id = search_meta_result["search_id"] if transmission.is_async(): time.sleep(1) status = transmission.status(search_id) if status["success"]: while ( status["progress"] < 100 and status["status"] == "RUNNING" ): status = transmission.status(search_id) else: stix_shifter_error_msg = ( status["error"] if "error" in status else "details not avaliable" ) raise DataSourceError( f"STIX-shifter transmission.status() failed with message: {stix_shifter_error_msg}" ) result_retrieval_offset = 0 has_remaining_results = True while has_remaining_results: result_batch = transmission.results( search_id, result_retrieval_offset, RETRIEVAL_BATCH_SIZE ) if result_batch["success"]: new_entries = result_batch["data"] if new_entries: connector_results += new_entries result_retrieval_offset += RETRIEVAL_BATCH_SIZE if len(new_entries) < RETRIEVAL_BATCH_SIZE: has_remaining_results = False else: has_remaining_results = False else: stix_shifter_error_msg = ( result_batch["error"] if "error" in result_batch else "details not avaliable" ) raise DataSourceError( f"STIX-shifter transmission.results() failed with message: {stix_shifter_error_msg}" ) else: stix_shifter_error_msg = ( search_meta_result["error"] if "error" in search_meta_result else "details not avaliable" ) raise DataSourceError( f"STIX-shifter transmission.query() failed with message: {stix_shifter_error_msg}" ) _logger.debug("transmission succeeded, start translate back to STIX") stixbundle = translation.translate( connector_name, "results", query_metadata, json.dumps(connector_results), {}, ) _logger.debug(f"dumping STIX bundles into file: {ingestfile}") with"w") as ingest: json.dump(stixbundle, ingest, indent=4) bundles.append(str(ingestfile.expanduser().resolve())) return ReturnFromFile(query_id, bundles)